Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome All!

Hi this is my first entry on my new blog page and I not sure what I'm going to say! Um well lets start off with my name, its Ingrid and I live in Johannesburg, South Africa! I was born in Que Que (now Kwe Kwe) Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and have lived in South Africa on and off since 1982!

I love animals, I am crazy about animals, all animals! I am vegetarian and live in a small cottage with my beloved old cat Daisy (17 years old) and 2 pet baby rats, Rosie and Margie, Kym aged 16 left us in April 08 and we miss her very much! I decided to adopt Rosie and Margie on Christmas Eve, as companions for Daisy who has been very lonely since Kym died, but she is not at all amused with them coming to live with us, hopefully she will get used to them and stop giving them dark looks and angry mutterings every time she sees them.

Thats it for now.

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